Friday, September 22, 2006

Why does music touch the heart?

I just got finished watching the season premiere of Gray's Anatomy. I also watched the pre-show recap of the last season. At the end of the recap they had a video by The Fray "How to Save a Life". I have loved the song for a while but never seen any video by the band. The video was filled with clips of GA. The clips fit in perfectly with the song which leads me to wonder whether it was written for the show. It was used in the last seasons GA season finale so maybe it was.

However that is not my point. Songs like these seems to touch me in a weird way. When I hear them I feel like I am reconnecting with the world, or I am the only one left in the world, or I finally understand the true meaning of love. Music can make you feel so many strange emotions. It's not even genre specific or band specific. I love a song called Konstantine by a band called "Something Corporate". I do not know a single other song by them. However Konstatine will forever remind me of Keri. Songs become memories in a way. I remember a lot of my past almost like a movie, with its own soundtrack. I can actually pick certain songs and tell you what period of my life I was at. If you have ever seen "High Fidelity" with John Cusack, he organizes his records autobiographical. I have that same idea with music.

Something about music has that ability to just get into those level of your soul that sometimes are not open. It can fight its way through and touch you were you didn't think you needed it.

I have lost my music fascination over that last few year. I haven't owned a car in about 4 years. I don't have a cd player in my room. I have gone through numerous mp3 players overs the years but busted each of them within a few months. Now I have a phone that is Itunes capable, however I have not changed the songs in over a month.

I have gone through numerous fetious over a variety of music styles. The weird part is I still like them all. My current taste is always my favorite but once in a while I just love to relieve the past. I went into Jimmy Johns today before class and they were playing Tool. I am guessing its Tools new album, but they are a pretty unmistakable band. The voice is pretty hard to miss. I went to their concert back in Highschool during junior or senior year. The place was so packed that I actually was able to lift my feet off the floor because I was being crushed by the people in front and behind me. Also this was the concert(if you have heard the stories) where out of now where some guy started punching me in the back of the head. A fight never really broke out because when I turned around and talked to him he was laughing his ass off( I am also guessing he was pretty high on something by his look). I looked at him and knew he just hit me . I said what the fuck. His response was fuck you. At that point the whole crowd shifted and the guy fell away with the crowd. The rest of the concert I was a little on edge looking out for him but he was always far away. I still thought about walking over and just start punching him in the back of the head. I never did but still enjoyed the concert.

I got a little off topic. I would like for people to post songs that remind them of periods of time in their lives. I will post a few here:
Pour Some Sugar on Me- Def Leopard 3rd or 4th grade gym night
Any GNR or Motley Crue song - 8th grade
Nirvana-Smells Like Teen Spirit and NIN-Wish- Freshman year
Chloe Dancer/ Crown Of Thorns-Mother Love Bone-Sophmore Year
Fee-Phish and Least Complicated and Blood and Fire, and Closer to Fine-Indigo girls-Senior Year
Onslaught-Blues Traveler and Crucify-Tori Amos- Freshmen Year
After that I can just list songs. The list gets smaller but I still love to hear them.
Konstatine-Something Corporate
District Sleeps Tonight-Postal Service
I Will Follow You into the Dark-Death Cab for Cutie
How to save a life-The Fray

I know I could go through my cd or mp3 collection and find more. However these stand out in my mind at this point in time. Everyone of those songs have gotten me through a time in my life or kept me going on the right path or reminded me of something important in life that sometimes I forget. Either way music definitely effect me. I am not sure if it effects you in the same way. If it does please feel free to point some songs that hold meaning to you because I would love to hear them.


Blogger mark said...

Tennessee Williams wrote once: "In memory everything seems to happen to music."

As for "my" songs? There are so many. The Spice song, of course, brings back vivid memories.

A lot of times for me, smell works the same way. I'll get a whiff of something and it'll remind me of sitting on my floor as a kid sorting baseball cards (for example).

But now I'm off topic. There's just so much. Certain albums remind me of a time in my life. Mostly high school/college (when I listened to the most music). A lot of my old ambient stuff (and long-lost ambient stuff) has that effect on me.

(also off-topic: was it just me, or in two hours of GA last night were there only like 30 minutes of new footage?)

9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My current theme song is "Over My Head" by The Fray. Mainly, because that's how I feel most days (& about parenting in general).

Everytime I hear Sublime I think of JK because she introduced me to their music. And everytime I hear AC/DC, I think of high school & certain friends there. And the list goes on...

8:37 AM  
Blogger Jessica said...

Everytime I hear "Come on Eileen" I think of Brian and everytime I hear anything by the Jackson Five, I think of Joel.

And Dave Matthews will always remind me of Senior Year of high school.

It is definitely amazing the way a song can remind you of something or someone you haven't thought of in a long time....

9:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anything Indigo Girls takes me right back to high school, and I actually just bought a Samples cd because it reminded me so much of college. I saw Ani DiFranco play 10-15 different times in college, once in a community center gym before she got really big, so she always takes me back.

Billy Bragg and Wilco's Mermaid Avenue was a fixture in our house in med school, and everytime I hear Jimmy Buffet's "Why don't we get drunk and screw", it makes me think of crazy nights in med school out at the bar. My med school class even asked Buffett to be our graduation speaker, but unfortunately we got a postcard back politely declining.

Matt Nathanson's song Little Victories is still one of my favorites of all time, because that's usually how I feel most of the time--and it got me through some difficult times in residency. And it rings true when trying to build a practice now that I'm out of training. I just love it.

12:02 PM  
Blogger B.J. said...

I've always felt that music with no words hit me the most...probably because that way I can't sing along. I talk too damn much anyway.

8:53 PM  

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