Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I am living in a fantasy word and I am fantasy guy!(song to madonna's Material girl)

I recently realized that I truly don't believe this world is really all it seems. For some reason the general problems in life are not enough for me. I need to invent fictional ones to either:
a: Amuse myself
b: Scare myself
c: I am just plain nuts
d: or to celebrate Peanut butter Jelly time.

FYI, trying to find a good linke to PBJT I forgot to turn down the volume on the computer so most of my work neighbors want to know what the hell I am doing.

Back to the fantasy world I have created. So the official trigger for todays blog happened on the bus this morning on my way into work. A women next to me sneezed. I said "Bless you". Normal reaction right. Most people doing it to be kind. Ahhh however; I had an alterior motive when I said it. At the time of the sneeze my mind jumped to the movie "12 Monkeys". Why is a mystery? Somehow my mind puts the women sneezing and the virus that spreads in 12 monkeys together and I immediately begin to assume that this women has a highly infectious virus and if I say bless you then she will see they goodness in my and give me the antidote so I don't get infected.

I am not making this up. My mind actually went through this whole scenario while sitting on a bus.

The really funny part is I was right and she gave me the antidote.


Blogger mark said...

Is this post the reason you missed our 1pm meeting?

1:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

umm... if it actually happened, then its not a fantasy!

Just like your date with Hutch!

2:01 PM  
Blogger Hutch said...

Thank you, Dave, for making me like sane by comparison!

2:21 PM  
Blogger mark said...

Dave, I think Momma said it best..

10:42 PM  
Blogger B.J. said...

Wow, just wow.

My word verification was dyslexic mind read it as something much more amusing.

2:56 PM  

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