Friday, March 31, 2006

Thank god its Friday

I really am happy that its Friday. I have just wanted to leave work since I woke up this morning. I even tried taking a walk for a little bit but I found it boring. I think I have just had to much social interaction this week with starting school. I definitely need some couch time. My head kind of hurts. Its not like a headache pain but a dull cloudiness. I am having trouble focusing on things.

So based on that I am happy its the weekend. Tonight I am going to see a band play and then sleep in tomorrow and there have been talks of going to the casinso's in the afternoon/evening. So I guess we just have to see how the weekend goes. Sunday or possibly tomorrow I need to begin studying. Booooo.

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

How do you remember someone?

This past Saturday was the 4 year anniversary of my friend Burt dying. On Sunday Kathleen, Keri and I went out to the cemetary to visit his grave for the first time since the funeral. On Friday night while planning/deciding to go visit his grave sight we got on the discussion of how you remember someone after they are gone.

I don't believe there is one clear answer that will work for everyone. Instead we discussed the ways that we do. Kathleen needed to go visit the grave. Also at least a few times a year she has a movie that reminds her of Burt and she enjoys that with just him and her. I started thinking about times that I remember his memory. I do not have exact situations that I do in ritual format to help myself remember. Instead I find at random times or during random events that either remind me of Burt or things he did or even times where I just think Burt would love it if he were here right now.

I believe that you can never truly forget people that had a significant impact in your life. Obviously everyone will remember them in their own special way. You live on through the memories of others. So keep that in mind when you live your life. Make every memory a happy one.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Half Week in review

So lets start off with the fact that I went to IKEA to possibly look at/buy a new tv stand. However somehow I end up spending $200 at bed bath and beyond. I fully hate the idea of decorative pillows. Seriously what is the point. They are pillows that are on your bed that tease you to thinking they want to make you comfortable but no they do not. Instead your not even allowed to lay on or touch them. On that note, I bought two new pillows for my bed along with a new duvet cover that came with two pillow shams. I then realize that my two old pillow are now going to be decorative pillows with my pillow shams. My god how they hell did that happen. Prior to this weekend I only ever slept with a duvet on top of my bed. No flat sheet. Now I got the whole kit and caboodle.

Monday night went to the orb show at the metro. This is either the 3rd or 4th time I saw them at the metro. The show was not nearly as intense as the last few. Still a good time but with a show starting at 9pm on a monday but 11:30 we were all tired and headed home.

Tuesday night was my first day back at school since the end of summer. I am taking two classes this quarter. One is Interconnecting Network Technologies and the other Critical thinking. Should be interesting. Based on that I am next to positive that I am going to transfer out of the School I am in and into the CTI program. It sounds like it much more up my idea of learning. It will most likely take a lot longer but at least I will feel like I have learned something. My current program offered a class on yoga. I actually could have gotten credit to learn yoga. The funny thing its not like its considered an elective. No I could have taken it for arts and science credits. We will just have to see how it goes. I emailed the CTI advising people to set up a meeting.

Tonight Keri and I went to Caliente. It a mexican BYOB right near her place. I always yell out the name as I walk past so I was excited to try it. It was not really worth the money. I am not saying it was horrible but I would probably not recommend it to anyone.

Tomorrow is Critical Thinking and then Friday should be Burt's brothers band at Underground lounge.

Trying to get back into this whole blogging thing.

Below I have a post that I put on yahoo's version of blog because I had completely forgotten that I had created one on Blogspot. I figured I would copy it here to take place of an actual post.

Sept 6th, 2005
First post
So this my first post on the blog. I figure I will try to post at least once or twice a week depending on if anything exciting happens. most likely not.
Last night however was quite a treat. I sitting on my couch where I had become well aquainted with for the last 3 hours when I recieve a phone call from a friend. She is slightly hysterical and saying that the there is a mouse running around her apartment with a glue trap stuck to it. She asks if I can come over and get rid of it.
Her roomate picks me up on the way home. We enter the apartment and she is balled up on the couch and there is a big box flipped upside down on the floor. We ask if its in the box and she replies that it was to fast for her.
We find the mouse with its back legs sitting on the glue trap. I pick the other end of the trap up and start carrying to the kitchen when the little piece of crap leans up and bites my finger. I end up putting him in a plastic bag for the time being and start washing my finger. We then proceed to have both roomates call their friends at different hospitals to find out if I might have rabies.

Well folks the good news is that I do not have rabies. A little fact I was not aware of till yesterday was that rodents don't carry rabies. So go out there and let those mice and rats gnaw on your fingers for bit.