Friday, June 23, 2006

This ones for Mark

Not sure if your already aware but guess whats coming to Cartoon Network. If you still can't guess click on the link.

Call me Deepthroat

Wait on second thought maybe its not the best nickname. So I am not sure how much of this I can say so I will be kind of coy about it.

I got to spend about an hour today review Security video tapes and tracking down information that is going to lead to a federal arrest at work. I feel like I have completed my civic duty for a while now.

The reason I am being kind of sketchy is because I am not sure yet whether the Feds have picked the people up.

So keep that in mind next time your mean to me. I may be sending the Feds after you.

I am a man of Faith

I am sure I am breaking some kind of Blogging code by posting about someone elses find but I just had to. Joter's post about FSM really got me thinking. I have always believed that there is something greater then us and that somehow this greatness(referred to as TG) is giving us signs to help us through our lives. Now I finally see it. We went to Disney World with some friends back in 1997 for spring break. At the Magic Kingdom( or TG's house) we ended up feeling inspired to dress up as Pirates and entertain the good people of DW. (I am trying to track down a picture). As Pirates we were really felling the holy power of FSM channelling through us. We must all return to our Pirate roots otherwise global warming will continue to consume us. May FSM be with you and that you never have to go without the touch of his noodly appendage.

Spread the word!!!!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

You do can be an artist

Check this out. I am going to quick my job and sell my work on ebay.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

I am a geek

I have spent my life trying to figure out who I am. I just watch an old episode of scrubs that covered JED being the king of the dork. My whole life I have been a middle child. Which for most people might not be a big deal however if you met my siblings its probably understood. My older brother is the suave attractive type of guy. He can sell anything to anybody. He has great friends behind him. My younger sister is the class act of the family. She is both beautiful, intlelligent, driven and social. She is the one that I have not met a single person that has said a bad thing about. Now mind you she had to grow up with John and I before her. So she could watch our mistakes( and just me there were a lot of them). But it's weird being the in-between the two stars. I have been a social person however I do find it hard in certain circumstances. I have always felt like at times I can be a leader however I realize I think I am limited to leading only certain folk. Maybe I sell myself short, not sure since I have proven myself. But its a lot of pressure to be the middle child when both of your siblings have been so successful. Not only that I am the only child to not have a degree. Though I know I am going towards it. It seems weird, that why was I not able to achieve it when everyone else did. I know it nothing to do with smarts. I think one of my biggest flaws is that I think I am smart. I base it mainly on work. People at work seem to not think for themselves a lot. I find myself answering questions throughout the day that could have only taken a few minutes of thought to figure out. Now at one point I am not knocking it because I probably would be looking for a new job if that was the case. This whole rambling comes after spending 4 hours on the phone on a Friday night with work when I wanted to go out. I had to walk someone through how to trouble shoot a problem with an application that has been there for more then 4 years. The employee in question has been with the company and department longer then I have. However people don't ever feel the need to learn things until they are required. This guys is at least 10 years my senior. The funny part is people talk about our generation as being the lazy people. I completely disagree. I think our generation understands more then past generations. Before your job was to focus and learn one thing and one thing only. Nowadays, we are required to know as much as possible about all subjects that is possible. Being a geek I am also required to know how certain function of banking works(that's my industry). But 20 years back that wouldn't have been required. This could seem like someone shit on us and we got the bad end, however I view it as a bigger opportunity. We have the ability to change the entire market place with our knowledge. We no longer have to be limited to be in a one direction job. Instead we move to other avenues of opportunity base on what we know. So keep up the good work and in the long run it will all pay offl

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Where in the world is Pablo Sandiego?

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

New weighloss Fad

I came up with a great new idea for losing weight. I really think its going to catch on. You could lose 10's of pounds a day or week if you so choose. It really simple to follow and in fact most of you already do this. I really hope you all give it a try. It doesn't require excercise except maybe a little pushing. Have I peaked your curiousity?

Well I came up with it yesterday after I weighed myself. Then I proceeded to sit on the toilet and push. Afterwards I weighed myself again and I had lost 1.4 lbs. Think about that if you just sit on your toilet and push you can lose weight. Imagine doing this ten times in a day. I would lose 14 lbs a day. How could everyone not love this idea? There is no strenous excercise needed. No send $25.99 and I will send you my knew book, "Shoot, I will stay on the pot".

also I want to let everyone know that I singlehandedly ate an entire watermelon in a week.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Winner of the Biggest D-Bag award!

Congrats to TK on his honor of graduating from D-bag school.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Blog changing incident

I was originally post about my plans for the weekend and the fact that my quarter in school is done. However something happened that changed the original message

Original planned message:
I am really excited for this weekend. I fiinshed my last class on thursday night. With that I no longer have any finals, papers or homework to worry about for the weekend. I wanted to sit on my couch and watch the entire second season of Entourage since the next season starts this week.

New post:
On my way home from work on Friday night. I was still really excited about the weekend. I am riding my bike down Halsted just past Chicago ave. there is a hill that I was going down. I was going pretty fast down the hill in the bike lane. Traffic was backed up halsted which I love as I pass all these cars just sitting. Then the something happened, a blue ford taurus trys to sneek into the traffic by pulling into the bike lane right in front of me. Luckily enough I was able to swerve to avoid him though just barely instead of crashing head first into the side of his car. Instead after I swered I realized that there was a car stuck in traffic right on the other side of him. Hence the Blue Taurus trying to squeeze into traffic. Long story short, I was not able to avoid this VW passat wagon ended up hitting the back corner of it. My handlebars and my hand ended up going through rear brake light.
The next hour was spent waiting for the cops to show up so a report could be filed. Once the cops showed up they took everyone information and then let the Blue Taurus go because according to their view he had no fault. So at this point I am waiting on the VW's insurance company to call me and see what the deal is. Also I think my bike my have gotten a little messed up. I was able to ride it home the rest of the way but the gear don't switch as easy now and the chain slips once in a while.

Also just so Keri nows I was wearing my helmet. The only damage I had is pictured below. I made TK take them when I got home.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Not what I was hoping for.

This quarter in school I took my first computer related class. The class focussed on the way computers and routers talk across a network. It was really interesting and I really liked the class. After the first day of class I decided that I want to change the school that I was in. Right now the program I am in is called the School of New Learning. The school is geared towards older people who have been working. You can actually write papers to get credit for work experience and other strange things. Its a great program and has gotten rave review for adults. However I feel like I dont really learn a whole lot in the classes. This past quarter they offered a class on yoga. I could have gotten credit for basically taking a yoga class. I guess for some reason I want some more then that. So this computer class really sparked my interest. I looked into the School of Computer Science and technolgy(CTI) at Depaul. They have a program for a Bachelors in Science in Network Technologies. I looked over the curriculum and loved it. I wanted to meet with an advisor and discuss my options. Finally today I was able to go meet with them and the news I heard was not good. I was hoping that all my classes I have taken in the last year would count as liberal studies classes. However the bad news is they do not. Now the classes can count towards electives and there are 9 open electives. Though there are still 37 other classes I would have to take. Based on taking 2 classes a quarter it would take me more then 4 more years to complete. So now I am a little confused as to what I want to do. I think I am still going to transfer but I want to put some more thoughts in and weigh the options. I guess I got a long road ahead of me. I will keep you posted on what my final decision.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Snow in Late May

Keri and I went for a walk last Tuesday morning. We stumbled across the weirdest pheonomenon that I have seen in a long time. Snow in May.

Actually it was a whole bunch of dandilion fuzz. It was really strange though how it had all found its home on this small section. Even the grass was covered with it.

Later that day, we went to the Peggy Notebart Nature musuem. I had never been there and always had been curious about the place. It was interesting though there was a whole bunch of grade school field trips there that day. Overall the musuem is gears more towards kids. Our second favorite part was a bathroon that they are showing how bacteria can be everyway and on the door it says all your "poops and toots". We both got a big kick out of it. Our favorite part which I would say if you do go you can not miss, was the Butterfly greenhouse. You walk into a greenhouse type room with thousands of butterflies all over the place. They kept landing on me on my shoulder and what hair i have left. It's hard to imagine the place but if you do go then make sure you visit this room.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Weekend in Review-Membership has its Privileges

Alternate Blog title: Whoever said Cleveland rocks never met Summer. Summer rocks.

The weekend started by Keri and I checking out a restaurant called Trattoria 10. They have an italian buffet for only $12. Its probably one of the best deals in the downtown area. The restaraunt is very nice and the food was pretty good. After that we ventured over the Lasalle Bank Theater for our third installment in the Broadway series. It was a one person show called Golda's Balcony. Golda was played by Valerie Harper. I have to admit that going into this play I was not looking forward to it. First I had no idea what it was about. Second, when I found out it was a one person show that did not bode well. However, it turned out to be suprisely good. Not great but still pretty good. It was based on the life of Golda Meir. I had never heard of her before. She was one of the key people in founding the nation of Isreal and later became prime minister. She was in charge of building Isreals first Nuclear Reactor which was done without the US knowledge. She is viewed as one of the strongest women in history. Afterwards I kind of felt bad never having heard of her before. After the play Keri and I rented "Mrs. Henderson presents" and fell asleep about 30 minutes in.

Saturday we got up and rode our bicycles down to the Musuem of Science and Industry. They have an exhibit on Leonardo Da Vinci, which Wourms and Gwen had gone to see the weekend before so it sparked my interest. Once we got there we found out that a Family membership to the Musuem was $90. That includes us and a guest any time we want to go plus all of the Omnimax movies that they have. So if anyone ever wants to go with us let us know. Special exhibits are still extra but we do get a discount along with food and gift shops. Plus we can get advanced tickets to exhibits before the public. We took advantage that day and went to both currently running Omnimax movies. One was about Ancient Greece and the other was called Wired to Win. Wired was about the brain chemistry associated with the desire to win and focus on riders in the Tour De France. The main focus of the film was on Baden Cooke who took the green jersey in the Tour. The green jersey is for the best Sprinter in the race. Until this film I only knew of the Yellow jersey but found out that other cyclist are also competing for one of four jerseys, green and yellow being two. I am sure all you tour fans will already know that though.
Keri and I discussed trying to get a group trip together for summer of 2008 together and going and watching the Tour.
The Da Vinci exhibit was interesting. I was unaware that he made most of his money off military inventions. The funny part is that he would create an offensive based weapon and then create a defense weapon to combat the offense one. I am not sure if he did this to make more money or sell to both side. I would like to believe its because he did not like the idea of violence or creating these types of devices and like to have ways to nullify them.

On our bike ride back we stopped at an Irish pub called Grady O'Malleys in the south loop. Suprisely the have the best Buffalo chicken sandwhich that I have ever had. Who know the irish could make buffalo taste so good.

Sunday was Laundry day. I did three loads while Keri went to Brunch with her roomates. Afterwards we went to costco. Later we walked down to Lincoln Square and met up with Steve, Chris, Janet and some of their friends at Mayfest. Hung out there for a bit and then headed over to the Davis theater to see the Break-up. For those who do not know, the movie was written by a fellow Loyola Alumni and I actually knew him when I was younger. My brother and Jay Lavender were friends until he moved to Evanston. We bought our first Skateboards while visiting him in Evanston. I enjoyed the film. It was funny overall. It had been built up a lot so I had somewhat high hopes. Overall though I would recommend it.

Tonight and Tomorrow I am covering third shift at work. So I have time to sit write long blogs like this one.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Haunted Hooters

Friday's redeye and the morning wgn news had a piece on the Hooters in Chicago being Haunted. (click on the link and go to Larry's world for the piece.) This made me think that this would be a great idea for Ghostbusters 3. I guess the hooters in chicago is in a building that was used as the morgue for the 1915 Eastland cruise ship crash which killed 844 people. Biography channel is going to have ghost hunters come in for the show "Dead Famous: Ghostly Encounters". If you interested in this kind of stuff check out Chicago Paranormal Researchers. My favorite is the first line is that they are discreet. "Oh yes, they are very discreet." "Anybody seen a ghost".